Sunday, January 31, 2010

Natural Beauty

via The Dream Walking Society

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

World's Greenest Homes an amazing show!! I honestly love it and you should definitely check it out! It shows different houses and apartments around the world that are super green (it's my goal to be on this show!). To be honest though, I haven't seen episodes in it's entirety, they don't show it in Canada unfortunately. BUT! they do have clips online via Planet Green! Ch-ch-ch-check it out...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Calculate your ecological footprint!

A great way to realize how much of an impact you have on the environment is through calculating your ecological footprint. It considers various factors, such as how much meat you eat, the type of transportation you use and daily habits, to name a few.

The following link is a very easy and informative way to calculate your ecological footprint! So here ya go!

After taking the quiz, we would need 2.89 Earths to live my lifestyle. This isn't too bad, but we need to remember that we only have ONE Earth to live on!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Be a Caring Consumer

Have you ever wondered which companies test on animals and which ones don't? Well if you haven't, it's something you should look into as animal cruelty is... cruel. Luckily, I stumbled upon a site that lists a number of companies that do and do not test their products on animals. Simply download the PDF files or select a range of companies from the drop down box.

p.s. two posts in one day! I'm definitely on the ball.

Story of Stuff

Last week one of my professors showed us a clip of the Story of Stuff. It's an amazing video that sums up the impacts of producing, distributing and disposing of material things. This video also holds so much truth, in that our society has become so distracted with material things that we've forgotten the simple things that can bring so much joy and happiness (sorry for the cornfest)! So after watching this video, I hope you feel just as inspired as I am to stop consuming so much and to remember the small things in life.

Also check out the website for other stories:

I'm also very aware that my last post was about a month ago, sorry!